6.28Usage: +++
1. Soft-looking mass
- 花朵 (hūa dǔo) Flower mass
- 云朵 (yún dǔo) Cloud mass
- 耳朵 (ěr duo) Ear – this is the only exception where 朵 is in Neutral tone
2. Mass of Classifier.
- 一朵花 (sān dǔo hūa) One flower Literal. One mass of flower;
- 五朵玫瑰 (wú dǔo méi gūi) Five roses Literal. Five masses of roses
- 那朵乌云 (nà duǒ wū yún) That dark mass of cloud Literal. That mass of dark cloud
身 Body Radical + 朵 = 躲 (duǒ) Hide Symbolic. Body behind mass
足 Foot Radical + 朵= 跺 (duò) Symbolic. Foot on mass
- 跺脚 (duò jiǎo) Stamp one's foot
-刂 Knife Radical + 朵= 剁 (duò) Symbolic. Cut up a mass * 剁肉 (duò ròu) Chop meat up into a mince * 剁斧石 (duò fǔ shí) Textured stone wall panels Literal. Axe-chopped stone