6.08Usage: +++++
因 Not to be confused with 囚 (qiú)
Cause / On the basis of
- 因为 (yīn wèi) Because of Literal. On the basis and for the sake (of something)
- 原因 (yuán yīn) Reason Literal. Original cause
- 因果 (yīn guǒ) Causality / Karma Literal. Cause and effect (consequence/result)
- 基因 (jī yīn) Gene(s) Literal. Fundament and basis
因祸得福 (yīn huò dé fú) Blessing in disguise Literal. On the basis of misfortunes, (one) gains good fortune
- 女 Female Radical + 因 = 姻 (yīn) Marriage Symbolic. On the basis of a lady
- 火 Fire Radical + 因 = 烟 (yān) Smoke Symbolic. On the basis of fire
- 口 Mouth Radical + 因 = 咽 (yàn) Swallow Symbolic. On the basis of (putting something into) one's mouth