5.11Usage: +++++
1. Bring to life / Develop
- 生产 (shēng chǎn) Give birth to a child / Manufacture goods Literal. Bring to life a product
- 生小孩 (sheng xiǎo hái) Give birth to a child
- 生意 (shēng yì) Business Literal. Bring a notion/idea to life
- 生气 (shēng qì) To be angry Literal. Develop fury
- 生病 (shēng bìng) To fall sick Literal. Develop illness
2. Living / Raw
- 生命 (shēng mìng) Life
- 生存 (shēng cún) Survive Literal. To keep living
- 生肉 (shēng cún) Raw meat
- 生蚝 (shēng háo) Raw oyster
3. Unknown / Unfamiliar
- 生词 (shēng cí) Unknown or new word
- 生手 (shēng shǒu) Newbie / Greenhorn Literal. Unfamiliar hand(s)
- 怕生 (pà shēng) Afraid of being among unfamiliar people
- 陌生 (mò shēng) Unfamiliar
- 陌生人 (mò sheng rén) Stranger Literal. Unknown person
4. Title (of a person) / Occupation
- 先生 (xiān shēng) Mister
- 医生 (yī shēng) Doctor
- 学生 (xué shēng) Student
- 实习生 (shí xí shēng) Intern
- 生日 (shēng rì) Birthday Literal. Brought-to-life day
- 生日快乐 (sheng rì kuài lè) Happy Birthday
- 牛 Cow Radical + 生= 牲 (shēng) To sacrifice (牺牲)
- 月 Moon Radical + 生 = 胜 (shèng) To win
- 日 Sun Radical + 生 = 星 (xīng) Star
- 女 Female Radical + 生 = 姓 (xìng) Surname
- 忄 Heart Radical + 生 = 性 (xìng) Character / Gender / Sex
Peanuts (also known as groundnuts), despite having hard shells and seeds are actually legumes. As flowers pollinate themselves above ground, budding pegs grow out of the flowers and downwards into the soil. Upon penetrating into the ground, these pegs develop into mature pods that are harvested as peanuts. Initially, 落花生 (luò huā shēng) Literal. Fallen flower bring to life refers to the Peanut plant and 花生米 (huā shēng mǐ) Literal. Flower bring to life grain (unhusked) refers to Peanut. As time went by, peanuts (in general) are colloquially called 花生 (huā sheng).