4.19Usage: +++++
云 雲
1. Cloud
- 云朵 (yún duǒ) Cloud mass
- 乌云 (wū yún) Dark clouds
- 云里雾里 (yún lǐ wù lǐ) Uncertain / Puzzled Literal. Within cloud and fog – often used to express "amid confusion"
2. Speak / Talk
- 人云亦云 (rén yún yì yún) To follow suit / To have no opinion Literal. People speak what has already been spoken
过眼云烟 (guò yǎn yún yān) Fleeting / As transient as clouds and mist Literal. Passing in sight, like clouds and mist (smoke) – often used to describe passing people or things that are totally unrelated and detached
天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福 (tiān yǒu bù cè fēng yún, rén yǒu dàn xī huò fú) Never know what is going to happen next Literal. Sky has unpredictable weather (wind and cloud), humans have daily mishaps or fortunes
- 云南 (yún nán) Yunnan – a province in western China
- 云腿 (yún tuǐ), short form of 云南火腿 (yún nán huǒ tuǐ) Yunnan dry-cured ham