4.09Usage: ++++
从 從
1. Follow / Obey
- 跟从 (gēn cóng) Follow – go somewhere with someone
- 听从 (tīng cóng) Obey – listen to someone's instruction(s)
- 服从 (fú cóng) Comply – conform to orders
- 顺从 (zūn cóng) Let someone has his/her way to avoid conflict
- 力不从心 (lì bù cóng xīn) Struggle Literal. Ability not following one's heart
2. From / Since
- 自从 (zì cóng) Ever since Literal. Originate from a certain time onwards
- 从来 (cóng lái) From all along
- 从头开始 (cóng tóu kāi shǐ) Start from the beginning / Start all over again Literal. From top (head) begin
- 从上海到旧金山 (cóng shàng hǎi dào jiù jīn shān) From Shanghai to San Francisco
一 One Radical + 从 = 丛 (cóng) Cluster
- 丛书 (cóng shū) A series of books Literal. Cluster books
- 草丛 (cǎo cōng) Bush Literal. Grass cluster
心 Heart Radical + 从 = 怂 (sǒng) Stir up emotions
- 怂恿 (sǒng yǒng) Incite someone to do something Literal. Stir up emotions and urge
耳 Ear Radical + 从 = 耸 (sǒng) To raise
- 耸肩 (sǒng jiān) To shrug Literal. To raise one's shoulders