3.13Usage: +++
Long while (over a period of time)
- 久等 (jiǔ děng) Long wait
- 不好意思,让您久等了 (bù hǎo yì sì, rang nín jiǔ děng le) Sorry to keep you waiting Literal. Not good gesture, to let you wait such a long period of time – widely used as an apology, especially in the servicing industry
- 久仰大名 (jiǔ yǎng dà míng) Heard a lot about you Literal. Long admired big name
- 不宜久留 (bù yí jiǔ liú) Should not stay too long Literal. Not appropriate for long stay
- 久别重逢 (jiǔ bié chóng féng) Much awaited reunion Literal. Over a period of separation and get together again
疒 Illness Radical + 久 = 疚 (jiù) Remorseful
- 内疚 (nèi jiù) Guilty
- 愧疚 (kùi jiù) Conscience-stricken
火 Fire Radical + 久= 灸 (jiǔ) Moxibustion – A form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapy that introduces heat to the various acupoints of a person and improves internal circulation
- 艾灸 (ài jiǔ) Moxibustion Literal. Chinese mugwort moxibustion – involves the burning of dried Chinese mugwort leaves (艾草), also known as Moxa. The burning (but not flaming) end of a Moxa stick
(艾条) is gently hovered over acupoints
- 针灸 (zhēn jiǔ) Acupuncture Literal. Needle moxibustion – introduces a warm and tingling sensation directly onto acupoints with the use of needles.